Information for authors

Before December 31, 2011, you will be notified of the acceptance or refusal of the paper by the International Program Committee. The acceptance can be for oral or for poster presentation.

IMPORTANT !!!! Your paper will only be finally accepted after provision by April 30, 2012 of

  • a revised text for the abstracts book (see below)
  • the Speaker or Poster presenter Information form (to be provided later).

See also: Information for presenters


Text for abstracts book

An abstracts book (printed version) will be provided to all Conference participants.

The International Program Committee (IPC) appreciates your co-operation in following the instructions to produce abtstracts that are uniform in format.

General recommendation

Reviewing and editing

IPC will review all revised abstracts; minor changes will be made by the IPC with notification to the authors. Would major changes be necessary, the IPC will contact the presenting author personnaly.

Correct English

The abstracts are to be written in correct English. Authors for whom English is a second language should ask for language assistance from native speakers or colleagues with good English skills, before submitting the abstract.

Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronyms and abbreviations should be defined the first time they appear.

Structure of the text

The text will be submitted on the Conference site, more detailed information has been sent to presenters by e-mail (see copy on the Conference site).

Revised abstracts will be published on the Conference site on 1st May (provisional abstracts are published until then).

Presenting author

The name and and the e-mail address of the presenting or first author must be provided.


The title of the abstract should be as precise as possible. A good title should use generally accepted key words on your subject to improve retrieval in bibliographic databases.


Author's affiliation institution(s), town and country

Revised Abstract

The abstract should be of 6000 characters minimum and should not exceed 9000 characters (about 1000 words).

The abstract should be structured, if appropriate, into sections, e.g.:

  • Standard:
  1. Introduction,
  2. Questions/Objectives,
  3. Methods,
  4. Results,
  5. Discussion
  • PICO
  1. population,
  2. intervention/exposure,
  3. comparison,
  4. outcome
  1. setting,
  2. perspective,
  3. intervention,
  4. comparison,
  5. evaluation.

The section titles should be in bold sentence case, subsections (if any) in italics. Please do not number them.

Acknowledgements for funding organizations, etc. should be placed in a separate section at the end of the text.


A selection of up to 5 keywords (no more) should be provided; MeSH terms should be preferred.

Figure and table

Abstract can show one figure and/or one table.

Numbers should be in Arabic numerals.

End each figure or table should have a legend.

The lettering should not be too small, because then the figure will not be readable.

All figures and tables will printed in black and white.

All the figures and Tables should also be sent as separate files, preferably JPG format, 300 dpi. 


1 to 5 bibliographic references are to be provided. Authors are requested to use the Vancouver referencing style. Details are available at