About this site


URL of this website is http://www.eahil2012.be

This site will be archived after 2012.


Release 3.1

The 3.1 release has been released in April 2012. This upgrade of the 3rd release add the following functionalities

  • registration form to the conference
  • additional fields for the provision of revised (extended) abstracts

Release 3

The 3rd release has been released in October 2011. This upgrade of the 2nd release add

  • a new layout based on the Drupal theme Summertime created by pixeljets.com
  • new functionalities: each EAHIL member has an account on the site, new members may ask for an account. Once logged in, the user may submit an abstract or propose a CEC; and also list all proposals and modify them.

Release 2

The 2nd release of the conference Web site has been released in late 2010. This dynamic website make use of Drupal Open Source Content Management System. It provides to the Local Organising Committee an easy way to publish information about the conference.

Release 1

The 1st release of the conference Web site has been published in early 2010, when the domain name http://www.eahil2012.be was made available. This static site aimed at providing basic information regarding the conference.